Root Canal Therapy Can Help Save Your Tooth

Why Would Dr. Sheth Recommend A Root Canal

Root canal therapy (a root canal) is a common procedure at Dental Care of Riverside. A root canal can restore an infected tooth to its natural function and appearance. Despite popular myths, it’s typically no more painful than filling a cavity.

The reason that Dr. Sheth would suggest a root canal treatment is if your cavity is deep enough to become infected and spread to the nerves in the root of your tooth. Left untreated, a cavity this deep can become an abscess and may even lead to bone loss in your jaw as well as other health problems. If you happen to have cracked or damaged teeth (where your tooth’s nerves are exposed) Dr. Sheth may also recommend a root canal.

How Dental Care of Riverside Can Help: A Root Canal Can Keep You Healthy

When Dr. Sheth performs a root canal, she will clear your tooth’s canals of bacteria and infected tissue and then dry and seal them. Often, a crown is placed over your tooth for further protection. This can prevent infections from spreading to other areas and can help keep you and your smile healthy.

Root canal therapy is one of the most common dental procedures here at Dental Care of Riverside. Nearly 16 million root canals are performed in the United States alone each year. Don’t let root canal hearsay frighten you. Today, with safe and effective anesthesia, precise tools, and incredible imaging technology a root canal doesn’t have to be painful—in fact, it relieves pain.

We’re extremely experienced in root canal therapy. Please, if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask us. If you do have dental anxiety, learn more about our oral sedation options. Don’t let fear or anxiety keep you from receiving treatment.

If you are concerned about an issue with your teeth and you believe that a root canal may be the solution, please call us at (951) 683-1600 or email us.