Archive | Breast Lift

What is the difference between a breast augmentation and a breast lift?

Close up of breast of attractive woman presenting her black bra.There are many reasons why you may not be happy with the size or shape of your breasts – but luckily, there are also a few different options to choose from so that you can do something about it. Read on for more information about breast lifts and breast augmentation.

Breast lifts and breast augmentation

Both procedures improve the appearance of your breasts, but they do this in very different ways. In a breast augmentation procedure, implants are used to increase the size of the breasts and give volume to the chest. There are different kinds of implants to choose from, such as saline, silicone, and the IDEAL implant – your doctor will be able to go over the benefits and disadvantages of each to help you decide.

Fat grafting is also an option. In this procedure, fat is taken from one area of the body (such as the thighs or lower stomach) and transferred into the breasts. This is a great option if you are concerned about any side effects that can come with an implant – because it comes from your own body, you don’t have to worry about any safety issues.

In a breast lift, excess skin is removed and the breast tissue is tightened and contoured. It can be used to “lift” breasts that sag after pregnancy, nursing, or after a dramatic weight loss.

Which one should you choose?

Your doctor will be able to tell you which procedure would be best for you – it will depend on the results you would like to see and some other factors as well. Some patients even opt for both procedures, with a breast lift to raise sagging tissue and an augmentation to increase firmness and size.

If you are unhappy with the size or shape of your breasts, it can begin to affect your self-esteem and can even start to affect your quality of life. A breast procedure can lift sagging breasts and give you a curvier figure. Dr. Gary J. Price in New Haven or Fairfield County, CT, can discuss the different breast surgery options and can help you decide which one would be best for you. Call (203) 453-6635 for a consultation today!

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Do I need a breast augmentation or lift?

A woman’s body goes through many changes in her lifetime. Pregnancy, breastfeeding and aging itself can cause breasts to lose their youthful position and begin to sag. If you’ve thought about breast surgery, you may be wondering which breast procedure is right for you. Here is more information on  and breast lift.

Breast augmentationbreast augmentation

A breast augmentation surgery is the most common plastic surgery procedure that’s performed each year. A major reason is women are unhappy with their breast size and want larger breasts or to balance out asymmetrical breasts.

If you are considering breast augmentation, you and your surgeon will look at four major areas: the placement of the incision, type of implant, implant size and shape, and the risks with each implant. Silicone and saline breast implants give you several options for the desired look and feel. While silicone implants are the most popular because of their more natural feel, they do carry a risk of rupture without you knowing. That’s why it’s important to have a great relationship with your surgical team and physician to have routine imaging of the breasts.

Breast lift

Drooping or sagging breasts are best addressed by a breast lift, which will correct the drooping by reshaping and “lifting” the breasts. During this surgery, the surgeon removes excess skin and tightens the surrounding tissue to create a more youthful contour. Often the areolae become enlarged over time, so a breast lift can reduce the size of the areolae as well.

There is a variety of incision patterns and techniques for a breast lift. The technique for you will be determined based on the size and shape of your breasts, the size and position of your areolae, the degree of breast sagging, the amount of extra skin and the skin quality and elasticity.

Breast augmentation with lift

Often, a breast lift is done in conjunction with breast augmentation. This surgery provides breast fullness and repositions sagging breasts and nipples.

The decision to undergo breast enhancement surgery is a very personal one. A consultation with your plastic surgeon will determine which procedure would meet your goals. If you’re interested in learning more about your breast enhancement options, call (203) 453-6635 to set up a consultation with Dr. Price.

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What to expect from a breast lift

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, gravity and weight loss not related to childbearing can all contribute to the appearance of breasts. Over time, breasts begin to sag and droop, which leads many women to discuss a breast lift surgery with their doctor. If your breasts have lost their youthful shape and firmness, a breast lift may be all that’s needed to make you look and feel your best. Here’s what you can expect from this surgery:

This surgery does not add volume. A breast lift can be done with or without augmentation, which requires placement of implants to increase volume.

There is more than one incision pattern. You will discuss the options that best suit your anatomy with your surgeon, which include an incision solely around the areola, a “lollipop” incision around the areola and down to the breast crease, or an “anchor” incision around the areola, vertically down to the breast crease and horizontally along the crease.

A breast lift is an outpatient procedure. This surgery takes three hours on average while the patient is under twilight, or mild, anesthesia. Extra skin will be removed and breast tissue will be lifted into the proper location. Nipples may be relocated depending on the new breast shape.

The results are immediate. Even though you will still have some swelling and visible incision lines, you will see the results right away. Your satisfaction will continue to grow as you recover from surgery. There will be scarring, but incision lines are concealed in the natural breast contours as much as possible. Scars will significantly fade and improve over time.

The results are long-lasting. Aging and gravity will change your breasts over time naturally, but you can maintain your results much longer by maintaining your weight and keeping a healthy, active lifestyle. Significant weight loss can impact the appearance of your breasts as well.

Wait until after childbearing to get a breast lift. Changes that happen to the breasts during pregnancy and breastfeeding can reverse the improvements made by a breast lift.

A breast lift is a great way to restore a youthful shape to your breasts. To explore all of your options for a breast lift with or without augmentation, call (203) 453-6635 and schedule a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Price.

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Implants and Mammography Screenings – The 411

Are you contemplating breast augmentation surgery? Do you currently have implants? Are you concerned about whether your implants will affect a mammography screening? Rest assured you are not alone. Both Silicone and Saline implants can affect mammography screenings. The good news is most radiology technicians are trained to use special imaging techniques and make adjustments to ensure they get the best, most comprehensive view of augmented breast tissue.

breast enhancementArm yourself with good information – you can’t have too much of it. Consider the following:

  • Research. Research. Make sure that your mammography facility has experience imaging women with saline and silicone implants.
  • The placement of your implants is an important factor when it comes to mammography. Here’s why: Implants placed below the pectoral muscle are less likely to interfere with a clear view of breast tissue than implants placed above the muscle. This is information to share with the technician.
  • Be sure to inform the imaging facility when you schedule your appointment and remind the technician about your implants when you arrive, especially any important details about them – the type, placement, size, and shape.
  • If you are considering implants, discuss with your surgeon the possibility of getting a base-line mammogram prior to the procedure.
  • Conduct monthly breast self-exams. Any changes to your breasts that you notice during your self-exam should be reported to your doctor, immediately. Deciding on breast implants means committing to being especially proactive about your breast health.

Any concern you may have about future mammography screenings should not deter you from pursuing cosmetic breast enhancement. The expertise of a board-certified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Price, can make all the difference.

If you have questions about your existing implants or are considering augmentation surgery, call to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Price, today: (203) 453-6635.

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Get A Lift…A Breast Lift!

Breast Lift in ConnecticutIt’s true…many women are unhappy with their aging bodies or how their body looks following child bearing. Ignoring changes to our bodies is all but impossible and watching our breasts change over time can be discouraging. Heredity, gravity, significant weight loss, childbearing and breastfeeding can contribute to sagging, low hanging breasts.

Perky, younger-looking breasts are definitely appealing, whether you are a new mother or a grandmother. Although breast implants remain one of the world’s most popular elective surgeries, many women are opting to forgo implants and beautify their décolletage with breast lift surgery or mastopexy. 

Want to know more? Read on

  • A breast lift does not change the size of your breasts or round out the upper part of your breasts.
  • A breast lift takes approximately three hours. It is done by Dr. Price under “twilight” anesthesia as an outpatient procedure in our office.
  • During a breast lift, extra skin is removed and your breast tissue is tightened and lifted to the proper location. If your breast lift is performed in conjunction with breast augmentation surgery, your implants will be inserted prior to the closing of your incisions with tiny sutures and the bandaging of your breasts.
  • Depending on your new breast shape, your nipples and areolae (the dark area around your nipples) may be relocated.
  • You may feel uncomfortable for a few days following surgery. Mild pain medication should be
  • You should be able to return to normal activities in a few days and sports activities within a month. The shape and size of your breasts will continue to improve as the days go by.

A breast lift can:

  • Improve the symmetry of your breasts, resulting in a more pleasing shape.
  • Elevate your breast tissue, creating a more youthful appearance.
  • Reshape and support the contours of your breasts.
  • Improve the look of your breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue.

Now is the perfect time to treat yourself to more youthful looking breasts. Call to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Price, today: (203) 453-6635.

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