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All on 4 Dental Implants

Losing teeth can change more than just your appearance. Missing teeth impact speech, nutrition and self-confidence. When it is time to consider tooth restoration, you want an option that feels, functions and appears as natural as possible. Dental implants are the premium restoration treatment for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants can be combined with a prosthetic arch to provide a new set of teeth for a full smile restoration. At Scott A. Babin, DDS and Associates, we are happy to offer All-on-4 dental implants for smile restorations at our office in Renton.

Dental implants are designed like natural teeth, with the titanium post acting as the “root” of the prosthetic tooth. While dental implants can be used to replace each individual tooth, this can be invasive and expensive for a full mouth restoration. When you need to replace a complete arch or both arches, the cost of complete dental implants may be prohibitive. Another option is All-on-4 dental implants, where you can replace a full arch with only four dental implants to hold the prosthetic teeth in place.

All-on-4 dental implants offer the stability and chewing function of dental implants combined with a hybrid overdenture. The dental implants are placed using an advanced technique that requires less bone density and fewer implants to support the denture. While many implant-supported dentures need 5 to 8 implants, the specialized method used with All-on-4 allows for fewer implants. This means a more affordable cost and less invasive procedure for the patient.

Teeth Implants (Implant Overdentures)

There are many benefits of using teeth implants for tooth restoration. The implant overdentures used with All-on-4 combine the advantages of dental implants with the affordability of dentures. The implants bond to the jawbone like natural teeth, providing a secure anchor for the overdentures. Once the four implants are in place, the overdenture can be screwed to the implants. Unlike traditional dentures that can slip or move, implant overdentures are held in place. They do not need to be removed for cleaning, and no adhesives are required – you can care for your new smile just like natural teeth.

Many patients choose All-on-4 dental implants because they offer a fast and beautiful way to restore their smile. Not only are these hybrid overdentures beautiful, but they can often be placed in as little as one day. You do not need to live for months without teeth like some other restoration procedures. The dental implants can be inserted in one procedure, and often, provisional dentures can be attached shortly after your implant surgery.

In addition to their functional and aesthetic benefits, All-on-4 dental implants are affordable and can improve your facial structure. Only using four implants per arch saves money over a full mouth implant restoration. Plus, the implants stimulate bone growth to keep your jaw and facial structure youthful, unlike traditional dentures that do not help prevent bone loss.

Are You a Good Candidate for All-on-4 Implants?

Our dentists at Scott A. Babin, DDS and Associates can discuss whether or not you are a good candidate for implant overdentures. The good news is that All-on-4 dental implants can be used with patients who have some bone loss, which is common in people with missing teeth. We also offer bone grafting and other dental implant services like sinus lifts that can help patients who have bone loss. Most patients who are in good health and are non-smokers are good candidates for the All-on-4 dental implant smile restoration.

If you are ready to explore dental implants for replacing your missing teeth, contact Scott A. Babin, DDS and Associates today to schedule your All-on-4 dental implants consultation. We are located in Renton, WA, and we welcome patients from Kent, Auburn, Federal Way and the surrounding communities.

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Edmonds Office

7631 212th St SW #109C
Edmonds, WA 98026

Mon, Wed, Thu 8AM - 5PM
Tue 8AM - 4PM


Renton Office

4300 Talbot Road S, # 305
Renton, WA 98055

Tue, Wed 10AM - 7PM
Thu 7AM - 4PM
Fri 7AM - 2PM