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Save On Your Dental Bills with Preventive Care City Name, ST

Save On Your Dental Bills with Preventive Care

Patient With Dentist

Dental care is often overlooked when the financial picture looks grim. While this may be understandable, it is not advisable. There is an old saying, “Neglect your teeth and they will go away.” Tooth decay and gum disease are expensive, both in money and in terms of your health. Excellent oral hygiene practices and eating a healthy diet will help keep your teeth and body in good condition; however, regular dental checkups are an important factor in preventive care.

The Cost of Negligence

You look in the mirror and your smile is bright and seems healthy. You have no pain, no bleeding or swollen gums, so everything must be fine with your teeth and gums. There seems to be no reason to go to the dentist. You feel this is one appointment you do not have to make because nothing is wrong.

On the one hand, this could be the case. On the other, trouble could be brewing in places of which you are unaware. The teeth within your smile line may look healthy. Meanwhile, your molars could be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. You may have food traps where plaque and tartar are developing, but you miss these areas because they cannot be seen when you do a cursory look in the mirror.

Without a complete dental checkup, you may not realize you have a problem until symptoms appear. You may brush your teeth and notice blood on the brush. You do not see any around your front teeth, so the problem must be in the back. You may drink a cup of coffee or tea and notice a twinge of pain as the liquid flows in your mouth. You may notice a spot on the inside of your cheek or lip and think it may just be a canker sore. Ignoring any of these signs could be very detrimental to your health.

Preventive Care

Your dental checkup is important because your dentist can identify problems before they have an opportunity to develop into serious dental issues. Dental decay and gum disease can be detected in their earliest stages with new technology. Addressing these problems early saves you time and money. Screening for oral cancer can not only save you money, it can also save your life.

Preventive dental care is important for every member of your family, from the time the first tooth erupts to those who are elderly. Excellent oral hygiene is paramount, and so is the regular dental checkup and professional cleaning. Make an appointment with Dr. Scott Babin today to ensure that your mouth is healthy and your smile is beautiful.

Posted on behalf of Scott A. Babin, DDS and Associates

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7631 212th St SW #109C
Edmonds, WA 98026

Mon, Wed, Thu 8AM - 5PM
Tue 8AM - 4PM


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4300 Talbot Road S, # 305
Renton, WA 98055

Tue, Wed 10AM - 7PM
Thu 7AM - 4PM
Fri 7AM - 2PM