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What Are Mini Dental Implants? City Name, ST

What Are Mini Dental Implants?


Most people have heard of dental implants for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants have been used for decades, using a titanium post to create an artificial tooth “root” that is permanently bonded to the jawbone. While dental implants are the most advanced option in restorative dentistry for tooth replacements, not everyone is a good candidate for this oral treatment. If you have significant bone loss in your jaw that is preventing you from getting dental implants, mini dental implants may be right for you.

Full-Size Versus Mini Dental Implants

Both full-size and mini dental implants are made from titanium and inserted into the jawbone. However, the mini implant is smaller and requires less bone to support it. Many people who have lost teeth also lost bone material in their jaw, which can hinder their ability to receive traditional dental implants. They may require bone grafts before they can have dental implant surgery. Plus, full-size dental implants require several months to heal and adhere to the bone; mini implants heal within a few days.

How Do Mini Dental Implants Work?

Mini dental implants are designed to anchor dentures or dental bridges to restore lost teeth. The small implants can be inserted into the jaw and are designed to have a retaining fixture attached. Dentures or bridges can be fitted to add a corresponding feature to attach to the fixture on the mini implant, holding the restorative device in place.

The procedure for mini dental implants is less invasive and time-consuming than full-size implants. More patients are good candidates for the smaller implant option, giving them more choices when it comes to restoring their smile. The cost may also be less, especially for those that would require bone grafting and other procedures to receive full-size dental implants.

Mini dental implants can give you freedom from loose or slipping dentures or bridges. Patients enjoy the benefit of knowing their dentures will stay in place when they are eating or talking, without embarrassing denture incidents. Plus, secured dentures and bridges do not require adhesive and may feel more comfortable.

If you want to learn more about mini dental implants for secured dentures or bridges, contact us at Scott A. Babin, DDS and Associates. Call our location in Renton or Edmonds to schedule a consultation to discuss restorative dental options.

Posted on behalf of Scott A. Babin, DDS and Associates

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